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Equine Fascia and Trauma Release

Much like humans, horses greatly benefit from touch based therapies. It is witnessing first hand the equine response and the subsequent positive effects on the recipients that first made me truly believe in touch based therapy modalities. This is because horses are incapable of responding to the placebo effect, so all I witnessed I found to be very real and profound.

All sentient beings deserve to be happy and comfortable in their own bodies. To top that off, horses are largely used for sport and recreational purposes which means that to an even greater degree, their bodies need to be maintained and kept in a pain free state in order to best perform the jobs we expect of them.

This therapy is accomplished using gentle touch techniques that seek to restore the horse’s fascia to its most optimum functioning. The horse’s response, as well as texture and sensation felt by the therapist is used to guide the session. The horse is able to communicate with amazing sensitivity and insight, often with far better introspection that we as humans are able to accomplish, if we are only willing to listen. Areas of discomfort of pain as well as areas of enjoyment are conveyed through body language, behaviour and facial expressions. Often the horses will, through this communication, steer the therapist to ideal pressure, ideal area to work and ideal time to spend in any one area.

The following are signs that your horse could benefit from Equine Fascia and Trauma Release:

  • bad balance
  • trouble with lead changes
  • trouble collecting
  • reduced flexibility, mobility and range of motion
  • predisposition to tendon and ligament injuries
  • chronic or acute soreness in muscles
  • behavioural issues

And more!

For more information on what fascia is, please see What is fascia? And how does it affect me?

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